Special Education
Special Education Home
In Keller ISD, each student with a disability has the opportunity to participate in a free, appropriate education designed to meet his or her individual needs.
Students are educated on a campus as close to home as possible. KISD provides a continuum of child-centered and supportive services which meet the needs of eligible students who have disabilities. KISD also complies with all aspects of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2004).
The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.
Contact information:
Phone: 1-855-773-3839
Email: inquire@spedtex.org
Live Chat: www.spedtex.org
Review of Services for Students with Disabilities
In the fall of 2019, Keller ISD’s Special Education Department partnered with the consulting firm Stetson & Associates, Inc. to conduct a review of services the District provides for students with disabilities. The study included an examination of both quantitative and qualitative data, and employed multiple methodologies, including, but not limited to comparison studies, five-year trend data, one-on-one interviews, structured classroom observations, focus group meetings, document reviews, faculty surveys, and parent surveys. Keller ISD plans to use these findings to improve services for students with disabilities in Keller ISD.
Please click here to view a brief summary of the findings from this review.
The Keller ISD Special Education Department provided an update to the board on the action items developed and progress made in response to the Stetson & Associates, Inc review. Please click here to view the slide deck of results from the Executive Director of Special Education. The update and conversation can also be viewed by visiting the August 23rd School Board Meeting recording available here.